While most endocrinology offices offer 2D thyroid ultrasound, Wilmington Endocrinology utilizes 3D technology for our thyroid ultrasound exams. The added dimension offers increased visibility, detection, and accuracy.
3DTHYROID® is a 3DNECK℠ technology that we utilize in our office to detect malignant thyroid nodules and to help with needle guidance during fine-needle aspiration biopsy. 3DTHYROID® technology uses 3D volume measurements that may provide more useful information about malignant thyroid lesions.
What is a thyroid ultrasound?
An ultrasound is performed by sending out high frequency sound waves which pass through the body and are reflected back. These echos are then analyzed and built into a picture of the body part that defines the shape, size, texture, and vascularity of a thyroid gland.
How is 3DTHYROID® different from 2D thyroid ultrasound?
The difference between 2D and 3D ultrasound can be compared to a loaf of bread. A 2D image is like looking at one slice of bread, while a 3D image is like seeing the whole loaf – height and width as well as depth.
Is 3DTHYROID® more accurate?
In the case of a fine-needle aspiration biopsy, 3DNECK℠ ultrasound enables the physician to be sure the needle is inside the nodule, leading to fewer misdiagnosed and insufficient samples.
Vascular thyroid nodule
Solid thyroid nodule
Case 1: 9mm thyroid nodule. Diagnosis: Papillary thyroid carcinoma.